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I recently received a text from an out-of-state relative, asking if he should have his college-age daughter put in progressive lenses to help delay progression of her nearsightedness.

I told them that there wasn’t good evidence that doing that would help, and since progressive lenses generally cost about three times as much as single-vision lenses that he shouldn’t do it.

The optometrist they were seeing at the time insisted I was wrong and strongly encouraged them to do it. Included in that exchange was a comment by their optometrist that I should stick to surgery and let her handle refractions!!

Based on that exchange I decided to do some homework and make sure I wasn’t missing something. There have been multiple interventions tested over the years to help slow the progression of nearsightedness (myopia).  Some have worked, some have not. Some that have worked have side effects that limit their usefulness. We will try and delve into several of these here.

Progressive Lenses

Let’s start with the intervention that got me into this review.

There have been multiple studies attempting to demonstrate a usefulness for progressive lenses in retarding the progression of myopia over time. Some have demonstrated statistically significant lessening of progression of myopia, but none demonstrated clinically significant differences.

What is the difference? In a large study, with hundreds of participants, you can often measure a statistically significant difference in outcomes without that difference having any clinical relevance.  

That is what happens in this case. The most commonly cited study for the use of progressive lenses in retarding myopia is the COMET Study by Gwiazda et al. In this study there were 469 children ages 6-11 with myopia, to whom half were given standard single-vision lenses to correct their myopia and half were given +2.00 addition progressive lenses. The two groups were studied for three years.  After three years the progressive glasses group was -1.28 diopters more near sighted and the single vision lens group was -1.48 diopters more nearsighted.  

That was statistically significant but clinically irrelevant. Why clinically irrelevant?  Because what we are trying to accomplish in retarding myopia is attempting to not have people progress to high myopia (greater than -5.00) because high myopia increases your risk for several significant eye diseases. An improvement of .2 diopters over 3 years is like the proverbial “spitting in the ocean,” it just doesn’t matter for the long-term health of your eyes. In fact, when we prescribe glasses or contacts we do it in .25 diopter steps, so after three years of buying much more expensive glasses and having to get used those glasses, which sometimes isn’t easy, the treated group was less nearsighted by an amount that is smaller than the smallest measurement we make in glasses. That is not clinically relevant.  

Even the authors of the study state as their conclusion “The small magnitude of the effect does not warrant a change in clinical practice.” Therefore, if you or your children are offered this as a solution, your answer should be no thanks!


Atropine is an eye drop that basically does two things - dilates your pupil and impairs your eyes’ ability to focus up close. It has been shown in various doses to slow myopia progression in multiple studies. The issue with atropine has been the side effects. It dilates your pupils, which leads to some light sensitivity and may increase the eyes’ exposure to UV light and that could increase the risk of cataracts or macular degeneration much later in life.

It also causes some difficulty in focusing on near objects, especially with the distance corrective glasses on. Some children in the studies had enough near-task trouble that they needed to have reading glasses in addition to their distance glasses in order to function properly.

More recent studies on lower doses of atropine 0.01% (ATOM2) did produce clinically significant reduction in myopia progression with much lower side effects.  Progression in myopia over two years on this dose was -0.49D, compared with the control group of intervention in ATOM1, which was -1.20D. That difference of .71 diopters in 2 years is clinically significant compared to the .2 diopters over 3 years in the Comet study.  With this low of a dose of atropine there were very mild effects in pupil diameter and almost no effect on near visual acuity.

The use of low-dose atropine has been slow to catch on in the United States.  There are several reasons for that, including that the ATOM studies were done in an Asian population, which may not generalize to the diverse U.S. population since Asians overall have a higher rate of high myopia.

Other issues are: no long-term data yet and it is an “off-label use” (not an approved indication by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration). It’s unclear how early to start the treatment, how long to keep it going, and if it is worth using in low myopia or should it be preserved for children who get into the higher degrees of myopia, such as -4.0 or greater.

A clear recommendation on low-dose atropine is harder to give. With the currently available information I would consider utilizing low-dose atropine if I thought a child had a high risk of ending up with high myopia. The risk factors I would consider using it in would be Asian descent, parents with high myopia (it does run in families) and significant myopia (-4.0 or greater) at a young age.  

Ortho-K or Soft Bifocal Contacts

These are hard or gas permeable contact lenses worn overnight to flatten the central cornea to reduce the amount of myopia. Studies about slowing of myopia progression with Ortho-K generally demonstrate a decrease of myopic progression on average of about .3 diopters over two years compared to glasses – a slightly greater effect than progressive lenses but not as good low-dose atropine. Sleeping in contacts significantly increases the corneas’ susceptibility to bacterial infection, including corneal ulceration and, in my mind, the reduction in myopia is not worth the complications compared to the better effect and less severe side effects of low-dose atropine.

Soft bifocal contacts are worn during the day, not while sleeping, so their infection risk is lower. They have similar reduction of myopia progression rates as Ortho-K so they may be a slightly better option then Ortho-K in terms of complications. However, I have consistently found when using soft bifocal lenses in adults over 40 (for which the lenses were intended) that people often complain that the clarity of their vision for both distance and reading is just not as good as the vision with their glasses. This limits their usefulness, in my view.

More Time Spent Outdoors

There have been several studies that have shown decreases in myopia with more time spent outdoors. The effect has been somewhat small, and it has more of an effect on decreasing the incidence of myopia and less of an effect on decreasing progression once myopia is already there. This intervention is free and getting outside and increasing physical activity instead of sitting inside attached to a screen all the time carries many other health benefits. Even though for this effect is small for myopia progression it makes sense to try and encourage it.


Given the variety of potential intervention and their mild effects, which options should a parent take in regard to their children?

Recommending more time playing outside seems to be an easy one to suggest. It’s free with no significant side effects and although its prevention capabilities are mild there is no reason not to do this. So get off the screen and get outside!

Personally, the Ortho-K would not be something I would choose. I’ve seen enough corneal ulcers in patients who slept in their contact lenses for that to be a nonstarter for me. I don’t like the soft bifocal lenses because they do not produce the same level of clarity at either distance or near as their single-vision counterparts, so I would not want to subject my child to them for what seems like a very small benefit.

Progressive glasses do not have a clinically significant effect, are expensive, and are sometimes difficult to get used to wearing so I find no place for them even being in the discussion.

The one intervention, besides more time outdoors, mentioned in this blog that I personally would consider using on my children is the low-dose atropine. I would only recommend this if several criteria/risk factors were meet. The first would be a higher-than-average risk for myopia. The elevated risks for high myopia are Asian decent and family history, especially if one or both parents have high myopia. The second risk factor would be already being myopic at a young age.  For me personally, it would have to be a child in the age groups these studies were done (generally from 5-13) and the degree of myopia would have to be  -4.00 or more.

As I mentioned, almost every study in regards to prevention of progression in myopia are conducted on the age groups of 5-13 so there is no evidence that any of these interventions will work for children older than 13 or young adults so I would be very hesitant to utilize them on a child whose age is outside the study subject.

Article contributed by Dr. Brian Wnorowski, M.D.

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Ask Dr. Stewart Your Eye Care Questions

What can be expected during a contact lens fitting?

A patient can expect to have a different experience when having a contact lens fitting. In addition to the eyeglass exam, questions will be asked to determine which contact lens will work best for them. Will they want to leave the lenses in their eyes overnight or will they remove them every day? Will they wear them only occasionally or will they be for everyday use? Do they want a contact lens that they throw away every day or do they want a contact lens that they have to clean and disinfect? If the patient is over age 40 and has a compromised ability to see up close, how will they see up close with their contact lenses? Will they wear readers over their distant contacts, or will they wear multifocal contacts, or will they wear monovision?

Are some people more prone to having Dry Eyes than others?

Experiencing dry eye symptoms is more common as we grow older, particularly in people 50 years of age and older. Hormonal changes in women who are experiencing menopause or who are post-menopausal. Inflammation in our body can affect the tear gland's ability to produce tears. Eye or health conditions such as glaucoma, diabetes, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and Sjogren's Syndrome can be associated with Dry Eyes. Environmental conditions such as dry winter air, dry indoor heated air, working on the computer, and wearing contact lenses can cause Dry Eyes.

Are there advantages to single-use contact lenses? What are they?

Single-use daily wear contacts are convenient to the patient and a healthy recommendation from their eye doctor. At the end of the day, the patient only has to dispose of the contacts. There is no need to take the contacts out to clean and disinfect them. The patients time and money spent on solutions and caring for them are eliminated. Not to mention that the next time they wear a contact, they will be wearing a brand new contact! The single best recommendation your eye doctor can make is to recommend single-use daily wear contacts. They are the healthiest contact that can be worn. The contact lens pathology issues of wearing the same contact for two or four weeks such as neovascularization, microcystic edema, and bacterial infections are greatly reduced.

What is an eye infection?

Your eyes can get infections from bacteria, fungi, or viruses. Eye infections can occur in different parts of the eye and can affect just one eye or both. Two common eye infections are conjunctivitis (also known as pink eye) and lid styes which are swollen lid bumps that can also be painful. Common signs of an eye infection are pain, itching, or a sensation of a foreign body in the eye, photosensitivity, redness or small red lines in the white of the eye, discharge of yellow pus that may be crusty upon awaking, and tears.

What happens during a typical Diabetic Eye Exam?

Your Eye Doctor will evaluate the back of your eye called the Retina to check for leaking blood vessels. Diabetic retinopathy occurs when elevated blood sugars damage the walls of the blood vessels. The vessel walls may thicken, leak, develop clots, close off, or grow balloon-like defects called microaneurysms.

My eyes tear all the time. Why do you call it Dry Eyes?

Your eyes have extra tears because your eyes produce extra tears to combat irritation and dryness. A better way to describe Dry Eyes is tear film instability, which refers to the composition of your tears not being in the proper composition. Stopping eyes from producing extra tears is a goal in the treatment of Dry Eyes.

At what age should my child have his/her eyes examined?

If you ask 10 different Doctors you will get 10 different answers. Newborns have their eyes checked in the birthing ward for starters. From birth to age 5 their eyes are growing. At age 5 is a good time to schedule a regular eye examination, however, if any unusual eye behavior is observed under age 5 an eye exam should be scheduled at that time. Unusual eye behavior such as eye squinting, a head tilt, or having to get close to see.